Effective risk management is foundational for successful asset management. KPS’s Risk Analytics offers a comprehensive solution for understanding and mitigating the various risks portfolios face.
This tool enables asset managers to navigate through market volatilities with confidence by providing detailed risk assessments and insights.The core of our Risk Analytics lies in its ability to break down risk into understandable components. Managers can evaluate how market, credit, and operational risks affect their portfolios, and identify the sources of potential volatility.
This granular view is crucial for developing strategies that are resilient in the face of market uncertainties. Moreover, KPS facilitates scenario analysis and stress testing, allowing managers to foresee how hypothetical market conditions could impact their portfolios.
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for risk analysis
Explore Multi-Factor analysis
and different scenarios
Observe sensitivities to benchmarks,
asset classes and factors
Select portfolio for risk analysis
Observe sensitivities to benchmarks, asset classes and factors
Explore Multi-Factor analysis and different scenarios