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Buffer ETFs

A new toolkit for institutional risk management
What Are Buffer ETFs?
Buffer ETFs are a class of exchange-traded funds designed to limit losses during market downturns without sacrificing all the potential upsides.
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What can Buffer ETFs do for  your portfolio?
Balance Risk & Reward
Integrate balanced risk management throughout the lifecycle of your investment.
Source: Kiski, Innovator. As of 4/25/2024.
Stay Ahead
Buffer ETFs are designed to provide unique investment prospects that evolve with the market.
High asymmetry in these products can signify optimal times to enter or adjust positions, particularly as the end of a Buffer series nears.
Leverage Asymmetric Returns
The innovative Buffer structure presents asymmetric return opportunities thatevolve over time as your chosen Buffer product matures.
Identify Emerging
Tracking Z-Scores¹ allows investors to identify return opportunities and gain insights into market trends and reversal potential.
Z-scores are statistical measures that present the difference between a datapoint (in this case, a price) and the mean of a sample.A z-score is expressed interms of standard deviations of a particular sample. A z-score of 0 indicates thatthe price is equal to the sample's mean price. A z-score above 0 indicates thatthe price is above the sample's mean price. A z-score below 0 indicates that theprice is below the sample's mean price.
This material is provided for information purposes only and does not take into account an individual's financial circumstances. References to specific securities in this material are provided for illustrative purposes and do not constitute a recommendation for any security. Readers should consult with their investment adviser to obtain investment advice and should not rely upon information published by Kiski or Innovator. Past Performance does not guarantee future results. The information herein represents and evaluation of market conditions as of the date of publishing, is subject to change, and is not intended to be a forecast of investment outcomes.

The Funds have characteristics unlike many other traditional investment products and may not be suitable for all investors. For more information regarding whether an investment in the Fund is right for you, please see “Investor Suitability” in the prospectus.

The funds face numerous market trading risks, including active markets risk, authorized participation concentration risk, buffered loss risk, cap change risk, capped upside return risk, correlation risk, liquidity risk, management risk, market maker risk, market risk, non-diversification risk, operation risk, options risk, trading issues risk, upside participation risk, and valuation risk. For a detailed list of fund risks, see the prospectus.

FLEX Options Risk The Fund will utilize FLEX Options issued and guaranteed for settlement by the Options Clearing Corporation (OCC). In the unlikely event that the OCC becomes insolvent or is otherwise unable to meet its settlement obligations, the Fund could suffer significant losses. Additionally, FLEX Options may be less liquid than standard options. In a less liquid market for the FLEX Options, the Fund may have difficultly closing out certain FLEX Options positions at desired times and prices. The values of FLEX Options do not increase or decrease at the same rate as the reference asset and may vary due to factors other than the price of the reference asset.

These Funds are designed to provide point-to-point exposure to the price return of the Reference Asset via a basket of FLEX Options. As a result, the ETFs are not expected to move directly in line with the Reference Asset during the interim period.

Investors purchasing shares after an outcome period has begun may experience very different results than a Fund's investment objective. Most Fund's initial outcome periods are approximately 1-year beginning on the Fund's inception date. Following the initial outcome period, each subsequent outcome period will begin on the first day of the month the Fund was incepted. After the conclusion of an outcome period, another will begin.
Fund shareholders are subject to an upside return cap (the “Cap”) that represents the maximum percentage return an investor can achieve form an investment in the Funds for the Outcome Period, before fees and expenses. If the Outcome Period has begun and the Fund has increased in value to a level near the Cap, an investor purchasing at that price has little or no ability to achieve gains but remains vulnerable to downside risks. Additionally, the Cap may rise or fall from one Outcome Period to the next. The Cap and the Fund's position relative to it should be considered before investing in the Fund. The Fund's website,, provides important Fund information as well as information relating to the potential outcomes of an investment in a Fund on a daily basis. The Funds only seek to provide shareholders that hold shares for the entire Outcome Period with their respective buffer level against losses of the Reference Asset during the Outcome Period.

You will bear all Reference Asset losses exceeding the buffer. Depending upon market conditions at the time of purchase, a shareholder that purchases shares after the Outcome Period has begun may also lose their entire investment. For instance, if the Outcome Period has begun and the Fund has decreased in value beyond the pre-determined buffer, an investor purchasing shares at that price may not benefit from the buffer. Similarly, if the Outcome Period has begun and the Fund has increased in value, an investor purchasing shares at that price may not benefit from the buffer until the Fund's value has decreased to its value at the commencement of the Outcome Period.

Innovator ETFs are distributed by Foreside Fund Services, LLC (“Foreside”). Kiski Group Inc. (“Kiski”) is not affiliated with Foreside or Innovator ETFs. Innovator ETFs is not affiliated with Kiski or Foreside. Innovator ETFs are not sponsored, issued, or sold by Kiski.

The Fund's investment objectives, risks, charges, and expenses should be considered carefully before investing. The prospectus and summary prospectus contain this and other important information, and it may be obtained at Read it carefully before investing.

The following marks: Accelerated ETFs®, Accelerated Plus ETF®, Accelerated Return ETFs®, Barrier ETF™, Buffer ETF™, Defined Outcome Bond ETF®, Defined Outcome ETFs™, Defined Protection ETF™, Define Your Future®, Enhanced ETF™, Floor ETF®, Innovator ETFs®, Leading The Defined Outcome ETF Revolution™, Managed Buffer ETFs®, Managed Outcome ETFs®, Step-Up™, Step-Up ETFs™, Target Protection ETF™ and all related names, logos, product and service names, designs, and slogans are the trademarks of Innovator Capital Management, LLC, its affiliates or licensors. Use of these terms is strictly prohibited without proper written authorization.